Sales & Rental
CAJYUTTA main body
Blade unit
Core remover
CAJYUTTA straw [plastic]
CAJYUTTA straws [plastic] 5-box set
アースクルー カジュッタ専用ストロー[生分解性ストロー] トウモロコシを主成分とした100%土に還る環境に優しいエコストロー
Earth Crew Cajutta Exclusive Straw [Biodegradable Straw] 5 Box Set Eco-friendly straws made from corn that are 100% biodegradable and return to the soil
Earth Crew Straight Straw [Biodegradable Straw: Coffee Bean] An eco-friendly straw made from coffee beans that is 100% biodegradable and can be recycled back into the soil.